Need an Emotional Lift? Try a Gratitude Makeover!

From head to toe, there’s a lift for every body part these days! But what about for your soul, that place where our feelings of health and well-being come from? There is much talk right now about the growing rate...Continued

Seven Tips for Healthy Holidays…..Mind, Body and Soul

The “most wonderful time of the year” can easily take a turn in the wrong direction into the most stressful time of the year for many of us. Juggling family gatherings, office events, friends’ parties, children’s needs, gift purchases, extra...Continued

Postpartum Symptoms You Don’t Want to Ignore

By Jillian Tekell, Birth Doula You’ve just given birth and are ready to rest and enjoy your baby. And rightly so! You’ve worked hard and need time to allow your body to recover. The postpartum period, or fourth trimester, is...Continued

6 Things to Share with a Woman Who Wants an Abortion

Listen. Allow her to tell her story without the interruption of a battery of questions. Actively listen to hear what is driving her decision. How is she feeling about an abortion decision? What does she know about abortion?Acknowledge. What is...Continued