What Does It Mean to Be a Parent?
Parenting can be a scary prospect even if your pregnancy was planned. Your mind is likely racing with many thoughts about all the different implications that come with having a child. Plus, if you weren’t expecting to become pregnant, your anxiety can heighten even more. With that being said, a surprised expectant parent is equally capable as someone who became pregnant intentionally.
One important factor in becoming a successful parent is providing the child with a stable support system. As their parent, that support system begins with you, and there are many things that go into building that stable foundation. Of course, not everyone has that in place, however. Several additional factors that you’ll want to consider include:
- Does your partner want to have this child?
- Is your family going to be supportive?
- How will the child affect your education or job?
- What effect will the child have on your finances?
- Do you feel old enough or responsible enough to raise a child?
- Do you have a steady place to live?
Woman to Woman Health Center can help you not only answer these questions, but also analyze those answers so you can reach a full understanding of what it might be like to parent in your current situation. We are here to provide support and information, regardless of whether you ultimately choose to become a parent.
As you may have additional questions in the coming days and weeks, we would encourage you to schedule an appointment today. Our trained staff members have extensive experience counseling people in situations similar to your own and can help guide you through the process. Regardless of the situation, we can help!