6 Things to Share with a Woman Who Wants an Abortion

Listen. Allow her to tell her story without the interruption of a battery of questions. Actively listen to hear what is driving her decision. How is she feeling about an abortion decision? What does she know about abortion?Acknowledge. What is...Continued

Got Stress???

3 Quick Ways to Prevent or Reduce Stress 1. SLEEP  Oh, yeah? Right! Sleeping 7-8 hours a night makes an amazing difference in your health! It’s worth doing! At your first conversation with our clinic’s nurse, your typical amount of sleep...Continued

Three’s a Crowd AND a Safety Net Too!

FRIENDS CAN IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH, PARTNER WITH YOU IN UNEXPECTED SITUATIONS, AND SUPPORT YOUR SAFETY TOO! “I’m telling you, I just could not have made it through COVID without my phone and video calls!  We girls kept each other going,...Continued